Application and review of documents

Interested in one of our vacancies? Create a profile on our SNSF careers portal in just a few minutes and apply for your dream job directly online. Your application will be reviewed by our HR team and the relevant specialist department.


Your application looks great to us! To enable us to get to know you in person, you’ll have interviews with the relevant specialist department and with our HR team. Depending on the position applied for, a preparatory task may come your way. For roles with management responsibilities, there will also be an assessment to complete.


You liked what you saw, and now there’s an offer on the table. Your employment contract will be sent to you by post, and all the relevant information regarding your first day at work will be sent by email. Our team looks forward to welcoming you!

Welcome to the SNSF

We’re delighted that you’re coming to join us and are preparing your onboarding process. This will ensure that you get off to the perfect start with us. Welcome to the SNSF!

Application Application Application Application
Interviews Interviews Interviews Interviews
Agreement Agreement Agreement Agreement
Welcome Welcome Welcome Welcome

Application process for prospective staff members